Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sweating in the Desert

At 7 am I entered a Bikram Yoga class for the first time ever. For those of you who are unaware of that Bikram Yoga is, to put it conscisely, it is yoga done in a room that is approximately 40 degrees Celcius (105 F). Adam Oates, a former NHL hockey player, who played in the league for 20 years said that Bikram Yoga was the hardest thing he has ever done.

Hmmmm, sounds fun eh?

Well, after sitting squarely on my rump for nearly 2 months, I needed to try something different. The thought of waltzing into the gym and lifting weights on my own didn't ignite the pilot light within, so I thought I would give it a try.

I paid my due and geared down. I knew what to wear based on the pictures I saw on this website: http://www.bikramyogapalmdesert.com/

I walked into the room which was littered with people of all shapes and sizes...young, old, slim, chubby and then there was me. I figured if the chubby old guy with the Jane Fonda headband could make it certainly I could, right?

The room was hot, but not stifling. All the students were sitting on their mats in typical yoga style...breathing, stretching, and already generating a bit of a sweat.

The instructor was a guy about my age, who was lean and fit looking, had blond hair that was dyed a greenish color (in support of the San Diego Chargers--it was supposed to be blue, but he ended up green...sort of looked like the color my hair turned after spending too much time in a swimming pool when I was a kid).

He was quite peppy and abrupt for a. 7 am, and b. for a yoga instructor. Anytime I have taken yoga in the past (which hasn't been a lot) the instructors have been calm, soft and possessed soothing voices. Not this guy. He was quick to the punch with his words and if he was a bird, he would have been a chicken.

Right after he put on his Britney Spears portable microphone, immediately I was singled out as a 'first timer' which was fine. I am what I am and this way, when people see me losing my balance and my legs shaking like a leaf they will understand.

We got started and I was fine. No problem. Stretch the the right, stretch to the center, stretch to the...um...come on...stretch to the left....the left....uh oh...I think I might barf....or faint...or barf then faint....I was approximately 5 minutes into my 90 minute class and already had to take a knee. I have heard that the biggest thing is to just stay in the room so I did. I waited a few minutes before the stars that I was seeing went away and then tried again. Up and down, side to side, leg up, leg locked, hold it, hold it, hold it...uh oh...I am getting that barfy feeling again...nausea...stars, barf...take a knee.

And that is how the first hour went for me. I looked around the room and even Mr. Jane Fonda was holding his poses. It takes awhile to get used to it I'm told. I didn't feel bad though. I can only go at my own pace, not at anyone else's....at least that is what I kept telling myself when Granny beside me was holding her perfect 'warrior' pose for what seemed like minutes.

Did I like the class? Hmmmm...that isn't the word I would use to describe it. I liked being up in the morning and out the door before 7 again. I liked sweating out my toxins and I liked that I tried something new, but for the class itself...yeah...it was okay.

Will I do it again? Yep. I am going to give it a fair chance because I have heard so many positive benefits from it. I am also curious to see how long it will take before the barfy, nauseas feeling goes away.


Anonymous said...

Very accurate account of your trip to the yoga class from what I've been told. My wife has recently been going up there doing the classes, although she rarely sees 7am. I have heard "exactly" the same from her, but keep it up it gets easier, and more rewarding and addicting!...Thats coming from a guy that is content with ambient temperatures. Great Blog, Go Jackets!

Douglas said...

You got me curious, actually

I like the sounds of yoga with torture involved.

There is a place in Columbus, I might try it out. No harm in getting some flexability back.

Anonymous said...

yeah, sorry I didnt realize the master was out west. there is that same yoga in worthington.