Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Keep this on the DL please...

Okay, so I'm a gamer. Most people who know me well know this about me, but otherwise I keep it on the down-low. By no means am I hard-core, but then again, does having a subscription to 'Game Informer' magazine mean I am hard-core?

My poison? Xbox 360. I also have a PSP that I use on the plane sometimes, but mostly it is the 360. I have been addicted, to varying degrees to Call of Duty 4 since I got the game in January. While browsing on the internet within the gaming world I stumbled across a website called: Geezer Gamers, a website for 'mature gamers'. I joined and became part of the 'geezer' community. Since then, I have added several 'geezer's' to my 'friends list' on xbox live and game with them frequently. I am one of the few women, although there are others, who game regularly.

I have been playing video games since I was a kid and the days of Intellivision. My sister and I would spend countless hours playing 'Utopia' and 'Dungeons and Dragons'. One of the best things about being an adult gamer is that when you want a new game, you go buy it. No more begging, pleading, crying and scheming to get your parents to buy that new game, you just go buy it. The difference now, however is that no longer do you buy a game based on the picture on the back of the game or a photo in a magazine (remember Frog Bog sis?). These days, before I buy a game I read a large number of reviews and yes, ask fellow geezers for their opinions.

When I first got Call of Duty 4 I was convinced that I would NEVER use 'that headset thing' and talk to people while I played. Well, now I don't play without it. You have to be able to tell your teammates that there is 'a sniper in the three story, third floor' or that 'someone is laying down by the gas station'. This is integral information for the success of your team!

It is interesting to hear the voices of the guys I play with and imagine what their lives are like. There is 'Demonshadow' and 'True Animosity'. 'Greenmtndragon' and 'Zaygar'. 'Wayne Newton 12", 'x Rossman x' and 'DuckCmndr'. 'Ice Age 48' and 'Iota Chi'.

Some of my friends on my friends list, however, are actually people I know: Trebbybambone and Duckcmndr as well as Top Shelf and TheFlyFan .

We are from all parts of the country, and in some cases, the world yet we all share a common goal--'capture the B flag'.

Gaming has become more widely accepted within main stream pop culture. To me, there is little difference between sitting on the couch watching tv and playing some xbox. In fact, some will argue that more of your brain is engaged while playing the video game. With the detail and complex story lines some of the games have now, it is in some cases, like being submerged into a novel only you get to act out the lead character.

Today was the release of the new EA NHL '09 so you will have to excuse me. I have a player to develop and help him get to the NHL. 'luego.


Anonymous said...

PS3 (Fanal Fantasy gamer and I needz my Blueray) and MMO (playing a lot of Navy Field - somewhat unknown free MMO) on the PC. Voice communication is awesome. People are tentitive at first, but it adds quite an different aspect to the game.

zorba said...

Oh yeah, it is really enjoyable! I played Final Fantasy for the first time back on my Game Boy--it was great fun.

I also remember she and I were strongly addicted to Dungeons and Dragons on the "Intellivision". Remember that?

Utopia was also a game we played for hours. Ahhhh, good times.

Anonymous said...

Okay...I had Intellivision "Dungeons and Dragons", too! Loved it. Can't believe you didn't mention Nintendo "Turbo Racer", or the White Water addiction...good times, good times.