Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Release already!

It finally happened. For the first time in my career I had to withdraw from a golf tournament today due to a 'crink' in my back.

It has always been my biggest fear/paranoia and today it came to fruition. I had some tightness in my back the other day, but nothing serious. Typically that goes away after a day or two of, but this one lingered. As you know, I had a massage only a few days ago and then one a few days later to try to get my back in shape before the Cactus Tour event. As I left for Phoenix yesterday it still felt a little tight but nothing that I didn't think would release by the next morning.

Well, I headed out to the course this morning and felt that it was too tight to be able to perform the way I would like. Now, had it been q-school I would have toughed it out, but with q-school being right around the corner I didn't want to risk being on the IR for a few more days.

Yeah I know, Tiger played the US Open on a broken leg and with no ACL but when you think about it, I will play again this season...that is more than I can say about Tiger ;)

I am half expecting to see a cake from my sister show up that has a plank sticking out of saying: "Stiff as a Board".


Anonymous said...

Got Modinitis eh?

Just don't be on the shelf for 6 months. o.O

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

I knew you looked younger than you really were..... http://www.thescooterstore.com/products/scooters.aspx
