Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Major hand injury waiting to happen

What is the deal with packaging these days? Why is it so important to package things in such a plastic that you need a vice grip and a razor sharp knife to cut into it safely?

You know the type of encasement I am talking about. Where the plastic is sealed by some sort of plastic welding devise so you can no longer pry it apart. The plastic itself is so thick that if you do get a part of it separated, it could slice your hand practically in half.

I bought a little cheap knife set from wal-mart a few weeks back because my knives were getting dull, but I needed a knife to get into my knives. ????

You can get this special little cutter that will help you get into this type of packaging, and you need it. Scissors aren't strong enough and you practically need a Ginsu to get into this packaging. Is it really necessary?


Anonymous said...

The little cutter to open those packages comes in a package that needs to be opened with a little cutter.

zorba said...
