Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Soaking wet kids on the horizon.

I have been talking with my sister about she and my nieces coming down to California to spend Christmas with me. My sister likes the idea, Jessie likes the idea, but Jaiden is unsure.

Is she worried about being away from her friends? No. Being away from her pets? No. Being away from her own bed? No. Well what is the problem?

You see, Jaiden has two major concerns 1. Does Santa come there? and 2. Will there be snow there? I assured her that Santa does, in fact, come here. How does she think I got my amazing 50" plamsa TV? Regarding the snow thing: no such thing here in So. Cal (well, not unless you are in the mountains), but the notion of having access to a swimming pool was in the middle of winter seemed to intruige her. My sister ran the idea of coming here past her a few times and she always answered with a 'no'.

This evening when I talked to her about the idea she seemed to be softening on the idea. I think the clincher was when I told her she would be allowed to jump in the pool in her pyjamas. "Cooooooooool" she said.

Done deal.


Anonymous said...

haha, sis, she might really be convinced if I show her this pic of Santa waterskiing.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm, Christmas in the California desert or Christmas in Drayton Valley????? Yeah, I can see how that would be a difficult decision...lol.
But what about Scrooge?


zorba said...

You've got the 'scrooge' portion pretty much covered I think.