Thursday, October 9, 2008

Going against a kid? Good luck with that.

Remember the other day when I wrote about the Hockey Night In Canada theme song? Well, I voted for number '3' and it has been narrowed down to two selections. Number 2 and number 5 are the finalists., not many liked #3 I guess eh? Dingbats.

Seeings how I had to do more research on the final selections, I go to the CBC website to do some more listening and make another selection and I notice something.

Along side the two finalists they list the name of the composer, name of the song and a brief bio of the composer. I notice that the biography of Robert Fraser Burke starts like this: "...For thirteen year old Robert Fraser Burke..."

Wait, what? Thirteen? So I do a little more perusing and come across his submission video:

The biography from the first composer, Colin Oberst explains how he is an elementary school teacher from Beaumont, Alberta and had submitted five entries before this one got selected as a finalist and...blah, blah, blah...

His original submission is his anthem being played while you are looking at the HNIC theme song. Pretty lame.

Don't get me wrong, the music is good and for anyone to have the ability to compose a song is impressive, however, when you put that 13 year old kid playing a song that he composed, up against music played over a logo...who are you going to chose?

So, go ahead and vote 'objectively'.

I don't know how this could possibly make you feel better Colin, but I thought his anthem was better than yours BEFORE I knew he was thirteen.

(Why in the world is that video insert bigger than the page it is on? Don't ask me. If anyone knows how to alter the HTML so that it fits nicely can go ahead and help me out.)

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