Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick nor Treat

So did you get many trick or treaters? I went and bought 3 bags of treats for the kids and...well, we didn't even have to open them. Zero, zilch, nada, not one kid. We didn't have any history to go off of because I was in LA with the Jackets last year. The year before that, Hitch was in job-limbo and so no reference point there either. Anyway, we were prepared but now we are stuck with Reese's Peanut Butter cups, Kit Kats and Crunch Bars...oh no, how will I manage.

How old were you the last year that you stopped trick or treating? I remember my last year quite clearly. Not because I went out with a bang or had a world of fun or anything like that, but mostly because it was quite both embarrassing and a sad day for me.

I would be willing to bet that I was in the 7th grade because, well, the 7th grade wasn't that great of a year for me. I was in 'friend limbo'. My sister had long moved on from trick or treating and I didn't really have a core group of friends to hang with that year. I still liked sports and wanted to run around and play at lunch whereas all my friends seemed to outgrow that. Hanging with boys seemed like it wasn't that socially acceptable as it was the year before, and because the boys were mostly the ones that played sports, I didn't really fit there either. I know, it is hard to believe that my peers didn't see me as the cool chick that I was eh?

When Halloween came, I never seemed to be able to match up with any of those groups therefore, I was on my own. Well, just me and my dad and our big old brown van. I don't remember my costume at all, but I know it wasn't much of one. My dad drove me around some random neighborhoods until my pillow case got to be about 1/4 full and we went home. That was my last year of trick or treating.

On a happier note, the next year I got with a 'crew' again and started to feel better and better about my social network. It is funny how you go through your youth and have memories like that that likely nobody else was aware of. So much of who you socialize with in school has to do with who is in your class that particular year.

These days, I am very particular about who I spend my time with. Why? Because if I am going to drag my butt off the couch, blow dry and floof up my hair, I better feel very confident that I am going to enjoy my time. I think most of the people I hang with think I am a bit nuts with my xbox hockey and ball hockey playing, but it seems like as an adult participation in activities like that tend to endear you to your peers, not isolate you. Phew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, that is sad. Do you remember the Halloween's where I pounded on you cuz you wanted to sit on the steps of each house that we went to and eat the candy that you had just been given? I guess I was a bit of a bully...sorry sis.