Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A week later

No, this isn't a post about Billy, directly but more about how my life has changed a week after getting him.

Since getting Billy, my life has changed in the following ways:

-I am typically up twice a night and up earlier in the morning:

Billy usually wakes up at about 3 am to go for a pee and then he is up at around 6 am. I don't mind this at all actually...probably because of where I live. Taking a puppy out to pee at 3 am in the dead of winter in Canada (or another cold climate) would suck in a big way, but here it is only a matter of slipping on a pair of sweats, sweatshirt and of course, a pair of socks. He goes promptly and I put him back to bed and we are both asleep within minutes.

-My kitchen floor has never been cleaner:

When I go to the golf course, I confine Billy to the kitchen because it is tile and if he relieves himself, it is easy to clean up. I put his bed in there, all of his chew toys his water and a little bit of food to occupy him and of course, his pee pads. When I come home, there is usually a few places where he has 'missed' the pee pad which require cleanup. Every day I get the mop and the Mr. Clean out and sanitize the area. I NEVER did that before I had Billy.

-I laugh and smile more:

This isn't to say that I was an unhappy person pre-Billy, but how can one NOT be amused, touch and entertained by a puppy who looks like this:

-Mentally I am more taxed/stimulated:

People talk all the time about how much 'work' a puppy is. In terms of the physical work of having one, it isn't that big of a deal, but mentally it is where you get the work out. I find I am constantly thinking about where he is, if he has pee'd/pooped and whether or not he needs to go out. He typically doesn't stray to far away from my side, but when he does, I am constantly tracking him to see what he is up to. Face it, nobody likes the idea of cleaning up dog poop from your rug. I also worry more about his well being and comfort. He doesn't like to be too far away from me, and when he is tired, I feel bad that he is up and down and feels the need to follow me around the house when I am doing laundry or something. I need to get over that. I really only relax when he is asleep. I feel like I also get a break because I know he won't be peeing in his sleep.

-Traveling considerations:

In the past, I would punch up travelocity and book the cheapest flight I could find. With Billy, I have to call the airline and make sure that they have room for a pet on board. Each airline has it's own pet policy and it is necessary to familiarize myself with those. We are taking our first trip together on Monday--I am sure it will be fine, but I imagine that will be blog-worthy.

-I have some structure in my day:

Pre-Billy I didn't have to worry about doing things in a timely fashion. Because he is a puppy, I don't want to leave him alone for too long so I just get things done quicker. Also, I miss him when I am gone and look forward to coming home to be with him.

-I get waaay more freshair:

I NEVER used to sit in my backyard. Now, I am out there every day hanging with Billy. He isn't a big fan of going outside by himself yet, so I usually go out and sit in the chair while he does his thing. In the morning I will take my computer out there and read all of my hockey articles while I sit with him. It gets me away from plopping on the couch and having the fresh morning air to breath in is energizing.

-I have played less xbox:

The only time I get a few games in online is when he is asleep or if he has just gone to the bathroom. I am just too concerned with his bowel movements to be fully engaged with the Blackout Kings at this moment. Don't worry, I will be back in full when he gains some independence.

-My hands and arms are all scratched up:

Yes, he is a puppy and has razor sharp teeth so it goes with the territory. It is no problem.

-There are toys and chewie things all over my house:

He is a little boy and needs things to play with. I don't mind at all. I like feeling like he relies on me and looks to me for leadership.

-No privacy:

Because he follows me everywhere I always have someone watching me shower and go to the bathroom. Nothing is cuter than seeing him lick the outside of the shower door. I have glass doors and to see his cute little mouth and tongue smush up against the glass is adorable!


Of course there was the cost of buying him, but then there are the costs of dog food, toys, travel kennel, vet visits, etc. I knew this coming in and I don't mind one bit. He is worth every penny!

My life is different since Billy, but there is nothing that he has brought with him that isn't more than manageable. I just wish he would appreciate my singing more than he seems to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dogs are the best!