My seats at the jackets game are about 3 rows above and just to the right of the visitors penalty box. There is a guy who is a ticket holder (he is there every game) who sits a few rows ahead of me. I have noted him only because I might end up killing him before the end of the season. Here's why:
I have no problem with people being disappointed in a players' play, it is fully understandable, however, when you are watching a jackets team that has, with 11 games remaining and already set at a franchise record in points, is it really necessary to be sarcastic and condescending after every mishap or goal against? The worst of it is the fact that he and his buddy yell cynical and snide remarks over several rows. I hate both of them. I guess people think that because they are ticket holders, they reserve the right to act as ignorant as they feel like it. They need to be reminded that they bought a seat to the game, not a share in the team.
The funny thing, however is how cocky people get when they are separated by a mere pane of glass. The idiot in front of me makes a 'come here' motion with his hand every time the opposing players are skating to serve their time. Yeah right. I had to laugh last week when 6'7" Zedeno Chara was heading to the box and the guy was motioning towards him all 'tough guy' like. Right. If that glass wasn't there and they were on the street, the fool would have been running the other way.
I also noticed the guy who sits right next to the penalty box barking at the players sitting in the box--Andrew Ladd, Brent Seabrook and Brian Campbell all got the brunt. I even noticed Seabrook barking back at the guy. The glass surrounding the penalty box is much higher than in the old days. Remember this:
I so know the guy you noted. He sits in front of me EVERYGAME I have the opportunity to attend. Have fun, but respect the game, players and fans.
As far as the guy that thinks he lures in the opposition to sit for 2 minutes... he reminds me of the janitor on Scrubs. We all need control I guess.
Yeah no doubt--so annoying. Have fun jeering the other team, but ripping on your own jackets is just annoying--it gets my blood boiling.
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