Monday, March 23, 2009

$150 on the line

A friend of mine text(ed?) me today while she was getting her car serviced. She was excited about her new iphone and was practicing her texting skills on me. She did a fine job by the way. As we were conversing she told me how an old lady was sitting there eating a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken and how starving she was.

I offered her $100 dollars to go and ask her for a hunk. I then upped the ante to $150. For me it would have been very high entertainment value and a great story for her and the old lady to tell. I mean the lady had a whole bucket of it as if she wouldn't have share with her. If someone asked me for something like that, I would without question offered up a piece. What kind of person would say no? Not many would in my opinion. It would be rather shocking to have a total stranger come up to you and ask, but if they did, their sheer courage and boldness should be rewarded don't you think?

It is something, however that I likely wouldn't do. I mean, what in the world is this women doing with an entire bucket of chicken? How old is it? Where have her dirty paws been and how many other dirty little clutchers have been in the bucket?

How is it though, that we will accept a bucket of chicken from people who are wearing a special little shirt and a visor so readily but would be reluctant to take it from and old lady in the waiting area of an Acura dealer? Just because they work there, they are no less strange than the lady chowing down in the middle of the day, really.

In the end the old bat fell into a saturated fat coma which provided the greatest opportunity to nap a hock, but my friend, she chickened out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! That's a good one sis. I wouldn't do it either.