Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Birds' Eye View

Billy and I had some excitement tonight. As I was making dinner and he was eating his, a bird flew in the open door and promptly scared the crap right out of me.

There is a small ledge above the door that leads to the backyard that the birds seem to love. I guess it missed it's ledge and just came straight in. After my initial shock I began running through solutions as to how to get it out of my house. A pillow case? A bucket? A fishing net would have been the best, but needless to say, I don't have one of those. It flew back and forth from the living room to the kitchen several times before it perched itself on top of the cupboard. Great. It was now comfortable.

I know it isn't a bat (THANK GOD) so I felt like it might be attracted to the light. I turned off all the lights in the living room and kitchen and just left the light on in the back yard. It worked. Within seconds he found the door and flew out. Phew...In the interim I managed to text Hitch with my dilemma asking for his advice.

His advice--'open the window and play music'...WTF???

Stick to coaching hockey players and leave critter control to me, okay ;)

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