Thursday, January 29, 2009

Down the drain

I have been feeling like I need to eat more fruits and vegetables of late. I just haven't been into making the big meals lately and so I have been making the easy/quick thing. Not that steaming some veggies is very difficult, but you know what I mean...

Last night I decided to make some cajun shrimp (come to think of it, it would make a great seasoning for chicken or fish as well...) and thought I should have some broccoli and cauliflower with it. I put a bit of water in my teflon pot (I know what you two are thinking...yes you two, you know who you are) and chucked the veggies in there. I got a bit busy with my cajun seasoning and probably left the veggies in a bit long. I went to drain them out and because I have a white sink, I saw all the vitamins and goodness go literally down the drain. The veggies tasted like mushy bits of nothing. What a waste.

I need to get myself one of those fancy pots that don't require water for cooking so I can preserve all the goodness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know where you can get some of those...